Thursday, May 8, 2014

New Blog

So as you can imagine i'm in love with the Tesla Model S. Eco friendly. Beautiful.

In my mind it is the greatest car ever made. I am trying everything I can to get my hands on it. From looking into starting my own business, to trying crowdfunding on websites like

If you want to check out what im trying to do, go to the following links.
Click here for the business I have in mind:

Click here for my Tesla Dreams:

and this is my other blog:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New house, New plans.

So I left off a while back at a new house. Well, I moved again. I left all my plants behind at the old home. The butterfly bushes, blueberry bushes, sweet almond bush, pampas grass, tickseed, milkweed, passion flower, orange bird of paradise, buttercups, tomato, hyssop, lollipop verbena, carnation, lavender, lavendula, and strawberry plants.
The neighbor took them and planted them quite nicely in his front yard, so at least they are being taken care of. I went back to snag up my pampas grass and blueberry bushes but I was too late. Someone else had already taken them. Hopefully whoever it was knows what they took.

Out new home is coming along nicely. It was a fixer upper on the outside but after some back breaking work laying down new grass, we have a green yard once more. I have begun planting impatients, marigolds, pincussions, begonias, firebush, butterfly bush, anise hyssop, and sunflowers.
Much more needs to be done but all in due time. Im enjoying all the butterflies already with my pot of milkweed, and porter  weed. The bees seem to be enjoying the African Blue Basil.

Pictures coming soon