Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bee Crack: AKA African Blue Basil.

BEES! My back yard is buzzing with the wonderful hum of bees! I planted some African Blue Basil that I had purchased from Home Depot and it flourished. I've never seen so many honey bees since I planted it. Well with all great thing comes an end.. if not always on its own. My step father ripped it out of the ground once before so I frantically scrambled around to get cuttings of them in an attempt to salvage what was left.

Thank goodness it was easy to root, simply stuck it in a pot and tuhdaw! 3 new plants! If you love the little honey bees i strongly suggest planting this beautiful plant. It does not make seeds so it just continually blooms with its beautiful purple spikes of flowers. With most basil plants you are told to cut of the flowers but with the African Blue you are encouraged to let it bush out and flower. It will make more leaves and flowers at the same time. It's very hardy and it forgives you if you neglect it. Although it does not like being cold or wet. When winter comes around simply snip a few branches off (It's going to die anyway) and try rooting it indoors. It does not make seeds so it's important to get those cuttings!
It blooms well into fall until it has been frozen over basically. Since it is such a long and consistent bloomer it becomes a valuable source of food for the bees. Very few flowers are blooming late fall and this really helps the honey bees build up a food source to survive winter.

I also planted this around my vegetables and fruits to ensure the bees would come visit the garden to pollinate everything.  Also I hear you can eat it! I have not tried this yet because I am no chef, but if any of you out there are please try it and let me know!

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