Friday, January 17, 2014

Lollipop Verbena

One plant I really like is the Lollipop Verbena.
I first saw this lovely little ball of purple while in London. I was estactic when I got home and a few weeks later the local Lowes was selling them. It turns out they make an excellent addition to the garden.  Only getting about 2-3 feet tall. Attracting hummingbirds (so i've read) and honey bees which i've seen. They are super hardy going down to about 10 degrees, which it never gets here in Florida so it seems a perfect fit for me.
I planted some Blueberry bushes behind it and it really seems to pop. I then added some strawberry plants lining the front of them. It really turneed out nice, I'd have a picture but everything is currently covered due to frost. The berries and verbena love full sun and I layered them so they are not competing for sun light. I also made sure to add plenty of compost and rich soil to make sure it drains properly.

Here is the Verbena I saw while in London at Hyde Park.

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